Well, it does go way far back in to the 1980s, but I'll spare you the details. To make a long story short, I think the travel bug got infused into me when I was 10 years of age. Not because I asked for it (why, I had no clue, I lived in a small village), but because my late mom Anna Michalowska, was brave enough to change counties, to ensure a better and brighter future for our whole family. I must say, she did it, and I am so proud of her every single day. We lived in Canada since the early 1990s, both my parents, my 2 big brothers and I.
As a young adult, I loved to travel and still did so to many amazing places. To name a few, between the years of 2001 and 2007 I have been fortunate enough to sink my feet into the sands of the Dominican Republic, rappel the waterfalls of Costa Rica, live a few months in Florida, experience a 7 day cruise of the Easter Caribbean islands, climb volcano Vallarica in Chile with my best friend (see pic below), see Machu Picchu in Peru (see pic below), and do a lot of local Canadian trips such as visiting my mom's brother in Vancouver. I am sure I forgot a few other places. If you think this was a lot of travelling already, well you are wrong. In 2006 it just got crazier from then on. I landed an amazing job, where a year later, I started to work from home and travel to my work sites for clinical research. This mainly included the Easter region of Canada and USA. Just to give you the scope of the activities I was part of, I was flying every week to a new location, NYC, NYC (yes NYC is twice on purpose ok? I have 2 albums to share ;-) Chicago, Salt Lake City Utah, Washington, Sarasota Florida, Philadelphia...omg, I once kept a list of all these locations, but I think the list won, I couldn't keep up. List 1, Ania 0.
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